Dark matter and dark energy probes: from Dark Ages to Giant Voids" Bohdan Novosyadlyj & Valerii Shulga Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Astronomical Observatory, Ukraine, International Center of Future Science, Jilin University, China Number density of different molecules at the end of Dark Ages is important for scenario of formation of Population III stars and Epoch of Reionization. If dark matter is warm and consists from decaying or self-annihilating particles then formation/dissociation of molecules depends on its nature. We discuss the possibility to make of use of primordial species observed at the largest radio telescopes in China (FAST and 21CMA) to constraint the warm dark matter parameters (density, mass and life time of particles). As for dark energy problems, we revealed that the dynamical structure of the cosmic voids is sensitive to the parameters of dark energy models. So the determinations of spatial distributions of galaxies and its peculiar velocities observed in large voids in future observations could be a new test for dark energy parameters.